ABN 46 108 124 258


What is a Speech Therapist?

A Speech Therapist is someone who works with clients to develop their articulation (speech sounds), fluency, understanding and use of language, reading and writing, play and conversational skills.

Our sweet-talking Speech Therapists work with clients aged 0 - 18.

Do I need a referral to see a Speech Therapist?

Nope! To add your child to our waitlist, simply email admin@sweettalkers.com.au with your child’s full name and DOB.

How many sessions will my child need?

This is a hard one as no two children are the same. We are happy to work with you and your child in making a plan that will work best for everyone, whilst also working within your means and availability.

Where will the sessions take place?

Sweet Talkers is a mobile service, meaning that we come to you. Have a think about which locations will work best for you and your child - this may be their daycare, classroom, Nanna’s dining table or your kitchen bench! You tell us.

Should I join in on my child’s Speech Therapy sessions?

Absolutely! The more the merrier. Not only will your child feel more confident knowing that you are along for the journey, but it will make home practice and replicating techniques used in sessions at home that much easier!